Battlegrounds Mobile India has successfully garnered the attention of its fans after making a return after a 10-month ban. Since the game has made a comeback, developers are also keeping the players engaged with new content and updates. Thus, players will soon witness the launch of the BGMI 2.8 update, much like version 2.7, released in August 2023.
For those unaware, each patch update for Battlegrounds Mobile India brings content from PUBG Mobile’s global update. Version 2.7 brought Dragon collaboration and other additions to the BGMI. Similarly, leaks around the upcoming patch update have suggested the arrival of PUBG Mobile 2.8 features like Zombie’s Edge themed mode, WOW updates, and more.
Here’s when players will access the version 2.8 update of Battlegrounds Mobile India.
BGMI 2.8 Update Release Date & Time
Krafton will rollout the BGMI 2.8 update on 10 October 2023 and the developers will reveal the content that players will get to experience in the new version. Readers will need to install Battlegrounds Mobile India 2.8 version via Google Play or Apple App Store and download additional in-game files before accessing the new features.
Also Read: BGMI A2 Royale Pass: Release Date, Time, Rewards, More
BGMI 2.8 Update: Upcoming Content
Although Krafton has yet to unveil the upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India 2.8 update content officially, readers can expect the release of most content from the global version. Additionally, a teaser of an upcoming update featuring zombies was recently posted by @BattlegroundmIn (not related to the game officially).
Hence, here are some of the features from the global version that players can expect in Battlegrounds Mobile India as a part of version 2.8:
- Zombie’s Edge as the new themed mode
- Aerolith Lab as a new themed area
- As part of Zombie’s Edge, players can expect the arrival of dangerous Creatures (PvE Enemies) – Mutants, Berserkers, and Rippers.
- Readers can expect additional themed mode features like Mutation Gauntlets, Maglev Hoverboard, Exclusive Emote Card, & Mutation Blade.
- All-new Halloweeks Easter Egg Gameplay
- Gameplay Updates for WOW
- Weapon Balance Changes
- BGMI x Hardik Pandya Collab
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