* Consistent frame rates (FPS) and a gaming mouse are essential for improving one’s Valorant gameplay.
* Apart from the technical aspects, players can also improve their game by watching professional Valorant gamers on YouTube or Twitch.
Improving gameplay is crucial for a Valorant player if they wish to make the climb from Bronze to Radiant rank. The tactical shooter by RIOT Games not only tests one’s skills, teamwork, and game sense, but also the PC’s performance. Low-end computers struggle to keep up with the game’s graphical and performance demands with each update, but these issues could be fixed.
Valorant Tips For Improving Gameplay
Listed below in this guide are the five best Valorant tips for improving gameplay:-
Reduce Graphics Settings To Medium Or Low
Valorant can be taxing for your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Playing the game on the highest resolution means that your GPU will need to render more pixels on the screen and this may affect the frame rate (FPS). Fluctuating frame rates could lead to lags and even game crashes so we recommend playing the game on Medium or Low graphics. The visuals won’t be clear but the gameplay will be smooth.
Practice Makes One Perfect
To dominate shooting games, one must aim train daily and perfect hand-eye coordination. Valorant provides a Practice Range mode where players can hone their shooting skills. We recommend the 100 bots mode with ‘bot armor’ and ‘strafe’ turned on. Practice daily with different weapons, especially using Revolver, Vandal, and Operator, and try and beat your previous times.
Choose The Right Mouse
A good gaming mouse is important for any shooting game as it relays the hand information quicker on screen rather than the usual mouse. While choosing the right mouse for the game, check if it’s ergonomic shape is comfortable for you. Moreover, adjust the mouse’s sensitivity setting in such a way that your Agent can move 360° in the game without slipping off the mouse pad.
Learn From Professional Players
Don’t watch Valorant streams on Twitch or YouTube to chill. Instead, try to learn from them: how a team operates, the best use of abilities, ability lineups, and most importantly, crosshair placement. Professional Valorant streamers like TenZ and SOmcs offer impressive gameplay along with useful tips.
Coordinate With Your Teammates
Valorant is a team game. Even the best players can get overwhelmed by opponents who have a proper plan and execute it without fail. A team must have a leader who tells the teammates to hold or rush chokepoints and rotate to the other Spike Site whenever needed.
The best Valorant teams in 2024 like Sentinels or Gen G have the ability to function as a unit. Watch their games during the Valorant Champions Tour and learn from them.