The Wind Breaker anime, adapted from the eponymous manga by Satoru Nii was one of the smash hits of 2024. People loved the delinquent nature of the story and enjoyed the well-designed fight scenes. Unfortunately, the first season of the anime only consisted of 13 episodes. The second season of the anime, set to air in 2025, will include more amazing action sequences. Some of the fans have started to read the manga to catch up with the story which has progressed a lot since the anime’s release.
The Best Fights In Wind Breaker That Will Look Great Once Animated
One of the reasons why Wind Breaker received so much positive feedback is its phenomenal fight sequences featuring different Bofurin members. The protagonist Sakura was one of the focal points of the story and had multiple showdowns with enemies. But in the manga, a lot more characters have been introduced fighting amazing battles. We have compiled a list of the 7 best fights from the manga that anime fans will love once they are adapted into the show.
Hayato Suo Vs. Kaito Obiki
Most of the greatest fights in the Wind Breaker manga happened during the final stretch when Endo, Chika, and their followers attacked the town of Makochi. Hayato Suo, who is one of Sakura’s closest friends, fights a guy named Kaito Obiki during this bout. Due to their similarly graceful and smooth fighting styles, their brawl looks more like a choreographed dance. This elegant fight scene will look great once animated.
Haruka Sakura Vs. Yamato Endo
Fans were eager for more of Sakura’s fights to see how much he has improved and the protagonist did not let them down. However, his last fight with Endo, who is one of the two main antagonists of this arc, ends on a disappointing note. Although both of them showed great strength and skill, Endo let Sakura win in the end, which upset the readers. Nevertheless, it is a great action sequence with a lot of emotions.
Bofurin 1st Years VS. Keel
As great as one-on-one fights are, group brawls are also really interesting, especially in animation. The Bofurin first years will have a showdown with a group named Keel, who has kidnapped one of their friends. The fights of the five best first-year fighters including Sakura, Sugishita, Suo, Mitsuri, and Taiga will show off their skills in this battle. Although they do not win the tussle until their second-year seniors show up, the action in this arc is great nonetheless.
Jo Togame Vs. Shuji Hashirao
Endo’s group Noroshi had some great fighters besides himself and Chika. Shuji Hashirao, whom Obiki followed like a shadow, was probably the strongest of the lot. Thankfully, Jo Togame from Shishitore, whom Sakura had beaten in a fight, showed up to save the day. Fans already saw how great a fighter Jo is in the first season. Thankfully, they will see more of him when the latest arc is animated and he wipes the floor with Hashirao, making the jobs of Furin students a little easier.
Ren Kaji Vs. Shingo Natori
Furin High School’s second-year grade captain Ren Kaji is someone anime fans already saw in season 1. He, along with the other second years, will save their juniors from being obliterated by Keel. He was the one who faced Keel’s leader Shingo Natori, a pretty creepy and sadistic guy who tried to bring out Kaji’s berserk mode. In the end, Shingo lost consciousness after Kaji beat him to a pulp.
Tasuku Tsubakino Vs. Shuhei Suzuri
Tsubakino’s character arc was one of the best parts of the Wind Breaker manga. They fought off many opponents when Gravel attacked the Roppo Ichiza who wanted to kidnap a girl under their care. However, Tsubakino’s best fight was against Gravel’s leader Shuhei Suzuri, who is also a talented combatant. Their battle highlighted how protective Tasuku is about the people they love. In the end, Tsubakino was able to make friends with Suzuri after defeating him.
Toma Hiragi Vs. Kanon Banjo
The leader of Bofurin’s Vasavarna unit, Toma Hiragi is an excellent warrior who loves his juniors. A member of the Noroshi, Kanon Banjo is a masochistic guy who feels pleasure when he gets hurt. When his beloved junior Ren was beaten up by Banjo, Hiragi became unhinged and started to fight him. Although at first Banjo was delighted about it, later the pain got too much even for him. His crushing defeat at the hand of Toma was one of the highlights of the latest arc.
If you love this show, then here are some great anime like Wind Breaker that you should love next.