Dragon Ball Daima anime is the last project the late Akira Toriyama (April 5, 1955- March 1, 2024) was involved in. Fans emotional over his death are looking forward to watching and supporting his last creation when the anime finally releases. Keep reading to know its exact release window and other details about it.
Dragon Ball Daima Release Date & Trailer
Dragon Ball Daima is confirmed for release in October 2024– making it part of the Fall 2024 anime ensemble. While we do not have an exact release date or time yet, you can bookmark this post as we will update this space when it is announced. Since it will be animated by Toei, you can expect to catch the episodes live on Crunchyroll when it airs.
The trailer showcases child Goku but unlike what it suggests, the anime actually takes place after the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Dragon Ball Daima Key Staff & Animation Studio
Dragon Ball DAIMA will be animated by Toei which shouldn’t be a surprise since they have the exclusive rights to the IP. Aya Komaki is the series director and she is known for directing many episodes of One Piece and was even the assistant director in One Piece Movie: Red. Yoshitaka Yashima is another director in this anime- also of One Piece fame.
Alongside Akira Toriyama, Nakatsuru Katsuyoshi has also assisted with character design. Finally, Yuuko Kakihara of Orange and Asobi Asobase fame is the head of script and series composition.
Dragon Ball Daima Timeline
A lot of people have questions about when the DAIMA storyline takes place in the Dragon Ball verse timeline. According to official announcements, the story of Dragon Ball Daima takes place after Kid Buu’s defeat in Dragon Ball Z and before Beerus’s debut in Dragon Ball Super.
A mysterious villain who had gathered the 7 Dragon Balls had wished to Shenron to revert all the main characters of Dragon Ball Z to kids. This explains why Goku is a child again in the trailer.
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Beyond this, we don’t know anything else but we’re hoping we’ll learn more about it as we draw closer to its release or when the anime actually starts airing. The timeline doesn’t change so fans don’t have to worry about retcons here but the series is expected to expand on the lore and mysteries of the Dragon Ball verse