VALORANT has got its newest skin bundle - The ARAXYS skin bundle
Riot Games’ VALORANT has just got a new skin bundle titled ARAXYS skin bundle. To announce this new launch, Riot Games has also published a brand new cinematic trailer of this new VALORANT skin bundle.
The ARAXYS skin bundle looks amazing, and from what we saw from the trailer, it seems that something along the lines of life essence is used to make these skins. In the trailer, we saw that a dead body was absorbed by a large beam of light, and then we saw something like a life sentence being injected into the new ARAXYS bundle’s Vandal.
Keeping the skin bundle aside for a moment, the cinematic trailer in itself is amazing. It begins off with a person in handcuffs, and a mechanical robot or something along those lines is shown keeping watch on the said person.
The cinematic is being shown from the point of the handcuffed person. Then, we see four pods dropping from the sky, and out of these, four more robots appeared. One of these robots went on to shoot the handcuffed person point blank using the new ARAXYS Shorty.
Then a beam of light falls on the character from the sky, and it slowly disintegrates the body and absorbs it all. The absorbed life essence is then applied on a ARAXYS Vandal, representing that these ARAXYS weapons are all made by using the life essence.
What will this new VALORANT skin bundle have?
This new bundle, ARAXYS skin bundle, will come with skins for four different weapons, and also a melee knife. There will be ARAXYS skins for Vandal, Bulldog, Operator, and Shorty. As for the melee, there is the new skin for the knife called Bio Harvester Melee. In the cinematic trailer, we also get to see a glimpse of all of the new skins of this new bundle.
How much will the new VALORANT bundle cost?
This new ARAXYS skin bundle is now available on the in-game store of VALORANT. This new skin bundle costs 8700 VP which means, if you have no VP, you would have to spend around 100$, or 8200 INR.
ARAXYS skin bundle is the newest, and latest skin bundle to arrive in VALORANT. Riot Games has also made an amazing trailer for this new skin bundle which sheds some light on the lore of this new skin bundle.