After being a part of many titles from the main COD series, The iconic MP7 arrived in Call of Duty Warzone 2 as VEL 46. The formidable SMG is quite similar to its original variant, i.e., MP7, when finishing off the adversaries within a close range. However, unlike MP7 from Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) (or QXR from COD Mobile), VEL 46 offers a moderate recoil, which is still controllable.
VEL 46 also boasts a magazine capacity of 40 rounds in Call of Duty Warzone 2, without any attachment, which, alongside the SMG’s other attributes, is quite handy during close-quarter scuffles. Players can further enhance VEL 46’s tactical prowess and other capabilities.
Best VEL 46 Loadout for Call of Duty Warzone 2
Players must first employ the Gunsmith to add or modify attachments and create the best VEL 46 loadout in Call of Duty Warzone 2. Players can focus on picking up the attachments that decrease recoil and improve handling. At the same time, the gun also requires some adjustments in its range and bullet velocity, which one must remember while choosing the best VEL 46 loadout setup.
Here are some of the best VEL 46 loadout attachments that players can try out in Call of Duty Warzone 2:
Stock: VEL A-568 Collapsed
VEL A-568 Collapsed increases hip recoil control alongside movement, sprint-to-fire, and ADS speeds. At the same time, there’s a decrease in stability and recoil control while aiming, while the flinch also increases.
Laser: VLK LZR 7MW
It contributes to better ADS speed and aiming stability, with an improved sprint-to-fire speed that enhances the handling.
Barrel: Lach-DX 203mm
Players will notice a negative impact on ADS & movement speeds and hip recoil control. However, Lach-DX 203mm will ultimately enhance the bullet velocity, range, and hip fire accuracy for the Call of Duty Warzone 2 SMG while enhancing the recoil control.
Muzzle: Bruen Pendulum
Bruen Pendulum significantly snips the vertical and horizontal recoils for VEL 46. However, the attachment also decreases the ADS speed and aiming stability.
Underbarrel: OP-X9 Foregrip
This underbarrel attachment for VEL 46 in Call of Duty Warzone is impressive as it contributes to the increased stability and accuracy of the fan-favorite SMG. However, players might have to endure decreased hip walking and ADS speeds.
Now, players can notice the cons for every aforementioned attachment, but they can resolve this issue by fine-tuning the stats of each attachment in the Gunsmith menu. Thus, players can focus on making the gun more stable with better recoil control and handling while keeping the bullet velocity higher.
Players can also consider using Double Time, Bomb Squad, Fast Hands, and High Alert perks with the abovementioned Gunsmith setup to makie it the best VEL 46 loadout.