Pokémon GO is here with the New Year celebration event
From new costumed Pokémon to Event Bonuses, Niantic has it all. This New Year is going to be convivial. Pokémon GO is here with the New Year celebration event, from December 31st to 4th January. The official tweet from Pokémon GO revealed details about the same.
What to expect from the Pokémon Go New Year celebration event?
2022 has been an eventful year for Pokémon GO fans. And to start the next one right, Pokémon GO developers are here with new mystical wishes. The five-day event will feature newly dressed Pokémon, new avatar items and poses, Egg encounters, Event Bonuses, and much more.
Calendar of the event
Start of the event- December 31st, 2022 at 8 pm local time
End of the event- January 4th, 2023 at 8 pm local time
The debuts and wild encounters of the New Year Event
The New Year celebration will feature Pikachu wearing a New Year’s hat with a shiny variant in the wild; with Noctowl wearing a New Year’s outfit into the bargain. Hoothoot will also be seen in a new outfit. Besides this, whenever you encounter Wurmple, Bulbasaur, Pichu, Squirtle, Charmander, Nidoruno, Raticate, Gengar, and Wobbuffet, you will find them in their own hats.
7 km Eggs hatches for the event
Pichu | Cleffa | Igglybuff | Togepi | Tyrogue |
Smoochum | Elekid | Magby | Azurill | Wynaut |
One-Star Raids, Three-Star Raids, Five-Star Raids, and Mega Raids encounters in the event. A special mention, Reshiram appearing in the Five-Star Raids, will know Fire-type attack-Fusion Flare.
Event Bonuses
The egg hatch distance when the Eggs are placed in an Incubator during the course of the event is going to be half. And ¼ egg hatch distance for the first three eggs hatched, for the players using the Pokémon GO Egg hatching widget.
Pikachu Party Hat and Party Popper Pose are made available in the event as new avatar items and pose.
More on Pokémon GO
Developed and published by Niantic, Pokémon GO is a 2016 augmented reality mobile game. Here players create and customize their own avatars, travel and explore the game’s map, visit PokéStops, and catch Pokémon.
Gear up for all the thrill awaiting this New Year with Pokémon GO’s New Year event.