Trying to find those pesky Spider-Bots? Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has plenty of collectibles for players to find, and one of them is the collection of Spider-Bots, which offer you rewards on capture. In this guide, we will take you through where to find all Astoria Spider-Bots in Spider-Man 2.
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All Astoria Spider-Bots Locations in Spider-Man 2
There are four Spider-Bots to be found in the Astoria region. This is the northeastern section of the map, including the small island between Astoria and Harlem. You should be able to find the Spider-Bots hanging off buildings or in the air, but rarely on the ground.
Here are the four Spider-Bots that you can find in Astoria in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2:
- Classic Spider-Bot: This one is on the island of Astoria. Look for it near the roof of a building near the bridge. Collecting it will reward you with 100 Tech Parts and 150 XP.
- Blood Spider Spider-Bot: You can find this one on the mainland. Find it crawling on the side of a building between two factories marked by smokestacks. It rewards 100 Tech Parts and 150 XP.
- Shocker Spider-Bot: After collecting the last Spider-Bot, you can find this one above the park near the bridge while heading towards the island. It is suspended in the air, so you will need to use a Slingshot Launch or an Aerial Boost to reach it. It rewards 100 Tech Parts and 150 XP.
- Mangaverse Spider-Bot: You can find this one near the train tracks in southeast Astoria. It crawls on the outer wall of a tall tower, just below the roof. Once you have collected it, you will receive 100 Tech Parts and 150 XP.
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That’s it for our guide on where to find all Astoria Spider-Bots in Spider-Man 2. If you want to check out the full list of spider-bots to be found, here’s our All Spider Bots in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 guide.