After ruling the world cricket for years, MS Dhoni is all set to conquer mobile gaming in India. Captain Cool is debuting as a character in Garena’s recently announced Free Fire India. The Indian Free Fire version is arriving soon, and one can expect Dhoni’s character to make his grand entrance soon.
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Garena recently dropped a promo featuring Dhoni in a cricket stadium donning his iconic Indian Cricket Team’s jersey no. 7. At the same time, other Free Fire characters like Hayato, Andrew, and Kelly are also seen in the clip. In the video, the MS Dhoni character also uses his cricket bat as a sword against enemies.
Readers can find the Dhoni character’s release date, abilities, and other crucial information in the following section.
The MS Dhoni Character in Free Fire India: Release Date & First Look
- Garena has yet to reveal the release date and first look of Dhoni’s character in Free Fire’s Indian version.
Abilities & Upgrades (Coming Soon)
- As of this writing, there’s no information about the abilities and upgrades of the Dhoni character.
Tip & Tricks (Coming Soon)
The Indian version of Free Fire was scheduled to release on 5 September, but Garena postponed the launch by a few weeks. Still, eaders can pre-register for the game and wait for developers to reveal all new information about the upcoming character.
Note: Readers can bookmark this article, as we will update it once Garena reveals all new information about the Dhoni character.