Call of Duty: Mobile is quite well-known for its high-octane action and the content it borrows from popular COD titles, be it weapons, maps, mechanics, or anything else. However, the availability of a plethora of coveted collectibles like Battle Pass rewards, lucky draw content, and other paid items has added to the popularity of COD Mobile.
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However, everyone cannot spend COD Points on collectibles in Call of Duty: Mobile. Therefore, free-to-obtain items like the Damascus camo in COD Mobile are quite famous among f2p users. For those unaware, the Damascus camo in COD Mobile is among the completionist skins players can claim after completing a certain set of missions.
Damascus Camo In COD Mobile: How To Get In 2024?
Four completionist skins are in COD Mobile – Gold, Platinum, Diamond, & Damascus. Damascus skin is inarguably the hardest to get among the four variants and might take weeks to unlock. For the unversed, to unlock Damascus camo in COD Mobile, one will need to acquire Gold skin for each weapon class.
Here’s the list of weapon classes in Call of Duty: Mobile:
- Assault Rifle
- Sniper Rifle
- Light Machine Gun
- Submachine Gun
- Shotgun
- Marksman Rifle
- Pistol
- Melee
- Launcher
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Unlock all Gold skins, automatically unlocking every Damascus camo in COD Mobile. For the unversed, players will need to unlock all grindable skins from the following categories:
- Sand
- Dragon
- Splinter
- Tiger
- Jungle
- Reptile
Each category has ten skins that unlock after players finish a certain milestone by killing opponents or destroying scorestreaks and vehicles (for launcher class). The “kill missions” vary from one weapon class to another and require players to finish off opponents in a certain way, i.e., crouching, scoring headshots, using hip-fire, equipping attachments, and more. Players can consider the Shipment map (or Crossfire map for long-range missions) in Hardpoint mode to complete the completionist tasks.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to unlock all Gold skins & obtain Damascus camo in COD Mobile:
- Players should launch COD Mobile.
- Open the Loadout section, where players can access Gunsmith for all weapons in the game.
- In the Gunsmith menu for a specific weapon, tap the “CAMO” button to view all skins and their missions in Call of Duty: Mobile.
- Use Shipment or Crossfire map in Hardpoint to complete the missions one by one and use Gunsmith to make changes to loadout (if required).
- Unlock Gold Camo for one weapon and move on to another gun.
- Unlock all Gold camos, automatically unlocking every Damascus camo in COD Mobile.
Players can then use Gunsmith to equip Damascus camo on their favorite weapon and show it off in a Call of Duty: Mobile match.