KRAFTON INDIA’s Initiative to strengthen underprivileged village
KRAFTON India generously supported the Atmanirbhar Palghar initiative of Govardhan Ecovillage’s intervention. The contribution will strengthen the villages associated with Govardhan Ecovillage through skill development, livelihood, education, and healthcare.
Background of Govardhan Ecovillage
In the heart of Maharashtra, Govardhan Ecovillage, a model farm community that has won UN awards, strives to live up to the founding ideals of bringing spirituality to life. The founding principles of the farm are to have a “simple living and higher thinking.” The institute is taking care of several activities in rural Maharashtra, such as providing education related to Ayurveda, Goshala for giving shelter to cows, Annakshetra to feed whoever comes to the place, providing health interventions, and many more generous initiatives.
What to expect from KRAFTON India’s contribution to Govardhan Ecovillage?
The prime objective of KRAFTON India’s contribution to Govardhan Ecovillage is to strengthen their ecosystem by investing in education, healthcare, livelihood, and skill development. These are the basic parameters for the development of a place, particularly in the rural parts of India. This initiative by KRAFTON will help Govardhan Ecovillage, and its surroundings advance towards teaching and uplifting the underprivileged. Krafton has a history of such initiatives in India, where they have invested $86 million in the Indian Media and Entertainment sector.
In Conclusion
The contribution of KRAFTON India will set an example for other entities in the gaming industry to contribute to such a noble initiative. It is progressing in developing many such rural places in India and helping out a charitable institution like Govardhan Ecovillage to strengthen and empower rural India.