* Pokémon GO October 2024 events – Galarian Expedition, Sewaddle Community Day, Mega Mawile, and more are about to be added to the AR game.
* Catching Shiny Zacian, Shiny Zamazenta, and Mega Mawile must be a Trainer’s priority.
Niantic has prepared a variety of events for the Pokémon GO Halloween season. October will be the second month in the Max Out Season, which aims to introduce more Galar Pokémon as well as Dynamax variants. Trainers can encounter multiple Dynamax pocket monsters in Max Battles. Additionally, they can look forward to obtaining the new shiny variants of Zacian and Zamazenta. Continue reading this guide to learn more about the Pokémon GO October 2024 events.
Galarian Expedition To Kick Off The Pokémon GO October 2024 Events
Beginning the exciting month in Pokémon GO will be the Galarian Expedition event. From October 4 at 10:00 AM to October 11 at 8:00 PM LT, players can complete event-related Collection Challenges and Field Research to get different rewards. Wild encounters will include the following Pokémon and their shiny variants: Nidoran, Abra, Magnemite, Wailmer, Spheal, Aron, Bedlum, Shinx, Foongus, Dedenne, Wooloo, Chansey, Absol, and Emolga.
Legendary Pokemon Zamazenta will appear in the 5-star Raids. Trainers would be able to catch the shiny variant of Zamazenta for the first time. Although debuting as a part of the event, the critter will remain in the Raids till October 14. There is also an increased chance of encountering the ‘elusive birds’, Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres, when using Daily Adventure Incense during the event.
From October 8 to October 11 at 8:00 PM, the Galarian Expedition: Taken Over event will debut Shadow Heatran. It can be obtained by completing a Special Research Mission that features the Trainer rescuing the Shadow Heatran from NPC Giovanni. They can also get new Shadow Pokémon from Team GO Rocket battles: Caterpie, Mankey, Roggenrola, Venipede, Karrablast, and Shelmet.
Pokémon GO Sewaddle Community Day (October)
The monthly Pokémon GO Community Day will feature Sewaddle, the dual Bug-Grass type. Occurring on October 5 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM LT, players will have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Sewaddle in the wild. They can further boost their chances by catching more of the same critter. Trainers who evolve Swadloon to Leavanny will make the latter learn the exclusive Shadow Claw Charge Attack.
While participating in one of the impressive Pokémon GO October 2024 events, capitalize on the bonuses such as 2x Catch Candy, 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance, 2x chance to receive Candy XL, 3-hour Lure Module duration, and 50% less Stardust requirement for trades. Trainers can also add their Sewaddle in Showcases to get rewards.
Pokémon GO October 2024 Events: All Spotlight Hours
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM LT, on specific days, certain Pokémon will have an increased spawn rate. Each has a catchable shiny variant whereas the event days will feature exclusive bonuses:-
Date | Pokémon | Bonus |
October 1 | Pidove | 2x Transfer Candy |
October 8 | Galarian Slowpoke | 2x Evolution EXP |
October 15 | Shroomish | 2x Catch Stardust |
October 22 | Gastly, Duskull, Litwick | 2x Catch EXP |
October 29 | ??? (mystery Pokémon) | 2x Catch Candy |
Pokémon GO October 2024 Raids
Mawile is finally getting a Mega Evolution in Pokémon GO. Mega Mawile will appear in the Raid Day that is slated for October 12 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM LT. During the event, the Remote Raid limit will be increased to 20 and players can receive up to six free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs in the Gym.
Check out the Pokémon GO October 2024 events and raids:-
5-Star Raids
Pokémon | Start Date | End Date | Shiny Variant |
Zacian | September 26 | October 4 | Available |
Zamazenta | October 4 | October 14 | Available |
Giratina (Origin Forme) | October 14 | October 28 | Available |
Darkrai | October 28 | November 4 | Available |
Mega Raids
Pokémon | Start Date | End Date | Shiny Variant |
Mega Blaziken | October 4 | October 14 | Available |
Mega Mawile (Raid Day) | October 12 | October 12 | Available |
Mega Sableye | October 14 | October 28 | Available |
Mega Banette | October 28 | November 4 | Available |
Each weekend, throughout October, Entei will be appearing in the Pokémon GO Shadow Raids. A shiny variant of the critter is available but it has an extremely low chance of appearing.
Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, and Falinks will feature in the Max Battles for this month. Interestingly, a mystery fifth Pokémon can also be seen in the official graphic.
Raid Hour provides the perfect opportunity to catch Shiny Pokémon. Zacian and Zamazenta will take over all Gyms this month, giving players the chance to get the debut shiny variants. Similar to the other events, the Raid Hour will begin at 6 PM and end at 7 PM LT.
- October 2 – Zacian
- October 9 – Zamazenta
- October 16 – Giratina (Origin Forme)
- October 23 – Giratina (Origin Forme)
- October 30 – Darkrai
Giratina’s upcoming appearances in two Raid Hours fit the spooky season theme in Pokémon GO.
Other Pokémon GO October 2024 Events
Here are some other events in October. More information about them will be revealed in the coming days:-
- October 15 to 17: Magnetic Study
- October 19: Research Day
- October 22 to 28: Part 1 of Halloween 2024
- October 28 to November 3: Part 2 of Halloween 2024
Trainers can expect some new Galar region Pokémon to debut during the two Halloween events.