About Asia Champions League India
The regional leagues for The Pokémon Company’s Pokémon UNITE Asia Champions League 2023 began on the 6th of January. The Skyesports and The Pokémon Company organised the India League which already started on January 8. There will only be two teams who will make their way to the Grand Finals, which will take place on 19th February. A total of five best Indian teams advanced from the various qualifiers in the India League are competing here. The best two teams will then head for the Main Event which will be played in Kuala Lumpur on the 18th and 19th of March. Yesterday, 22nd January matchday 3 was played out, True Rippers Esports and Marcos Gaming won their respective games.
True Rippers and Marcos Gaming running the show
A total of 2 matches were played yesterday and each featured the best of 3 series. The first game of the day was between Revenant Esports vs True Rippers Esports and the second game of the day was between Gods Reign and Marcos Gaming. The match stream is available on Skyesports’ official YouTube Channel in Hindi and English Languages. Detailed match analysis is mentioned below –
Revenant Esports vs True Rippers Esports
- Roster for Revenant Esports – Blizzard, Novaa, Crowley, Swiftly and Xesol.
- Roster for True Rippers Esports – Daksh, Devesh, Ego, Saif and KYO.
Game 1 – Pokemon picked by Revenant were – Scizor, Blissey, Slowbro, Mew and Lucario. True Rippers Esports picked Eldegos, Dodrio, Alolan Ninetales, Mamoswin and Tsareena. After 10 minutes of intense action, True Rippers won the game with a score of 212-247.
Game 2 – Revenant Esports picked Snorlax, Eldegoss, Alolan Ninetales, Absol and Venusaur. True Rippers Esports went ahead with Urshifu, Blissey, Mew, Slowbro and Drapult. True Rippers Esports made it a dominating win as they accumulated 678-337 scores after 10 minutes of the clash.
Gods Reign vs Marcos Gaming
- Roster for Gods Reign – Divine, Kael, Noxy, Omen and Scepter.
- Roster for Marcos Gaming – Kyurem, Meruem, Rex, Snowy and Volc.
Game 1 – The Pokemon lineup for Gods Reign Tyranitar, Sylveon, Eldegoss, Slowbro and Talonflame. Marcos Gaming picked Gardevoir, Scizor, Blissey, Urshifu and Snorlax. After 10 minutes of intense action, Marcos Gaming won by 461-179.
Game 2 – Gods Reign Pokemon lineup included Urshifu, Snorlax, Eldegoss, Gardevoir and Alolan Ninetales. While Marcos Gaming picked Blissey, Dodrio, Slowbro, Glaceon and Tyranitar. Marcos Gaming was absolutely ruthless as they made it 980-319 win after 10 minutes.
With day 3 coming to an end, Marcos Gaming registered their top spot in the standing while True Rippers Esports is placed in 2nd position. Revenant Esports settled in 3rd position.