In this guide, we’ll take you through the best DPS characters in Genshin Impact, along with their rankings. If you want to optimize your team in Genshin Impact, you’ll need to have the strongest characters by your side. Let’s check out which characters have the highest DPS in the game.
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Best DPS Characters In Genshin Impact Explained
Here are the top damage dealers in Genshin Impact:
1. Neuvillette (Hydro Catalyst User)
Neuvillette excels as a Hydro Main DPS character, particularly when built around Charged Attacks. With high scaling and rapid ticks from his Charged Attacks, he can scale his DPS and be a gamechanger in your team.
2. Navia (Geo Claymore User)
Navia, a 5-star Geo Claymore user, shines with excellent damage output from her Elemental Skill, which can be used twice per rotation with decent AoE, ideal for boss battles. When you’re building Navia’s team, you’ll have some flexibility as you can access elements other than Geo, and avoid limitations of mono-Geo compositions.
3. Raiden Shogun (Electro Polearm User)
Raiden Shogun, a 5-star Electro Polearm user, boasts Energy Recharge scaling that enhances her damage and utility for her party members. Her constellations are extremely powerful, particularly at C2. Additionally, her pseudo-permanent Elemental Skill with active Electro application makes her ideal for Hyperbloom team compositions.
4. Ayato (Hydro Sword Character)
Ayato, a 5-star Hydro Sword character, offers remarkable versatility in Hydro-related reaction team compositions. With high single and multi-target AoE DMG, he proves to be a valuable asset in any team requiring a healthy boost of Hydro.
5. Ayaka (Cryo Sword Character)
Ayaka, a 5-star Cryo Sword character, excels with her extremely high scaling on Elemental Burst DMG, ideal for speedrunning those bosses. Each talent in her kit applies Cryo with high scaling, making her an excellent choice as a Cryo Main DPS.
- Also Read: Genshin Impact Pyro Character Tier List
That’s all for the major DPS dealers in Genshin Impact. For more guides on this game, feel free to check out how to play Genshin Impact on Steam.