In the beginning, Valorant players only have five Agents to choose from. The list includes Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Sova. Although these agents aren’t underpowered or underwhelming, players often find their skillset not suitable for their style or require other Agents whom they deem to be better.
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Luckily, Valorant has over 20 Agents and they can be unlocked for Ranked or Premier modes after a player tests their gameplay in the Practice Range.
5 Best Valorant Agents To Unlock
Players can purchase new Agents by either using Kingdom Credits or Valorant Points (VP). Kingdom Credits can be earned by playing matches and finishing Missions while VP is a premium form of in-game currency that can be brought from the Store.
Listed below in this guide are the five best Valorant agents to unlock.
Omen (Controller)
New players can find Omen to be confusing because his whole play is based on controlling the map. He can throw smoke to marked locations which can travel through walls. Similar to Yoru, he can teleport to a location, even on top of towers or boxes that aren’t accessible to most Agents.
In the upcoming patch update, Omen will be able to interact with the Spike and open doors while teleporting with the help of his Ultimate. This is a small yet vital buff to an Agent who has already been a powerful meta character since its release.
KAY/O (Initiator)
KAY/O’s ZERO/POINT ability can be effective on any Valorant Map. The suppression blade has a quicker activation time than Sova’s Recon Bolt or Fade’s Haunt. Enemies that are in the knife’s radius won’t be able to use their abilities for 8 seconds, giving your Agents the perfect chance to enter a Site while Attacking.
The machine of war also has grenades in his arsenal that can be used strategically to neutralize opponents. These projectiles can be ‘thrown’ or ‘lobbed’, depending on how much reach or how fast you want the grenades to explode.
Yoru (Duelist)
Yoru is among the best Valorant agents to unlock. Players who love to outthink their opponent can use Yoru’s teleporting ability to change their position or avoid combat if they are at a clear disadvantage. The Japanese agent also has stun orbs that can be bounced from walls.
While in his Ultimate, Yoru can pick up the Spike from one Site and plant it elsewhere. He can also run around the whole Map in his invulnerable and speed-boosted state to locate enemies and relay the information to his teammates. Although Yoru is easy to track in his Ultimate by following the blue streaks on the screen, the element of surprise (deactivating his Ultimate) is with him.
Clove (Controller)
Having made her debut in Valorant Episode 8 Act 2, Clove is the best of Reyna and Brimstone. She can gain a temporary health boost by taking the life force of a fallen enemy that she damaged or killed. Moreover, similar to Brimstone, she can summon a view of the battlefield and smoke crucial areas.
RIOT did balance Clove’s smoke abilities by giving her only two charges and a lesser area-of-effect than Brimstone’s Sky SMoke. However, Clove has the round-changing resurrection Ultimate. If the Scottish girl gets a kill within 12 seconds, she will be back in the game along with the weapons that she was using.
Gekko (Initiator)
Thanks to his buddies, Mosh, Wingman, and Dizzy, Gekko can switch from being an Initiator to a hot-blooded Duelist. Wingman sends a concussive blast to those who are in its line of sight. The Mosh-pit can be used to slow down enemy rushes to a Site. Dizzy, the most useful one, can be used to blind all opponents for 2.5 seconds.
Gekko can lead the charge when Duelists in his team aren’t having the best day. The best thing about the Agent is that he can reclaim most of his utilities during a round, even claiming Thrash (Ultimate ability) for a second go after being used to Detain an enemy agent.
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Gekko’s Wingman ability can also be used to Plant or Defuse the Spike. If you are a new player struggling to trigger this unique skill, check out how to use Gekko’s Wingman.