Untitled Attack On Titan is a Roblox game based on the famous anime series Attack On Titan. if you want to boost your strength on the battlefield, you’ll probably need the best gear sets available in the game. This Untitled Attack On Titan Tier List makes your task a little easier. In the following section, we’ve ranked the gear sets from best to worst based on their strengths and weaknesses.
Untitled Attack On Titan Tier List Updated
Before we know which gear sets are best to choose, let’s understand what the tiers mean.
- S-Tier: The S-Tier has the top-tier gear sets in Untitled Attack On Titan. The best of the best gear sets that help you score better.
- A-Tier: The A-Tier gear sets are strong but after S-Tier gear sets. Still having them on the team will help you win battles easily.
- B-Tier: The B-Tier gear sets are average and are not that great to perform on the battlefield.
- C-Tier: The C-Tier gear sets are below average and you really should not get these.
S-Tier Gear Sets In Untitled Attack On Titan
- Default Gear
- Thunder Spear Gear
- Savage Demise Gear
A-Tier Gear Sets In Untitled Attack On Titan
- Candy
- Perfect Gear
- Medic Gear
- Dragon Breath Gear
- Godly Gear
B-Tier Gear Sets In Untitled Attack On Titan
- Boosted Gear
- Pumpkin
- Grinch
- Ice Gear
C-Tier Gear Sets In Untitled Attack On Titan
- Gold Hunter Gear
- Easter Gear
- Christmas Gear
- Alpha Model Gear
How To Obtain Gears In Untitled Attack On Titan?
It’s pretty easy to get gears in Untitled Attack On Titan. You simply get them from the gear shop and can store them in one of their gear slots.
Disclaimer: Want to choose gear sets from the lower tiers? Not a problem. You can pick any gear set you want as this Untitled Attack On Titan Tier List is just a reference.