Valorant has five Sentinel characters and Sage is among the most useful of them. The warrior hailing from China can create barriers by using her C-ability, which costs 400 Credits per use. Given that the Barrier Orb is the costliest signature move in her arsenal, players are extra careful about how to go about creating walls to maximize their effectiveness. This guide will tell you about the areas in the Lotus Map where a Sage player must use Barrier Orb.
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How To Execute Sage Abilities in Valorant?

Sage has both exceptional attack and defense capabilities in Valorant. She can place destructible yet tough walls in a row, slow opponents with her orb, and heal a portion of her health or allies. Her ultimate ability allows her to revive a player with full health – useful in every mode.
Players could also turn her defensive capabilities into offense. Primarily, her C-ability (BARRIER ORB) allows her to create walls that could not only be used as barriers but also for gaining height and accessing areas that opponents can’t comprehend. Check out the livestreams of Grimm on Twitch to get to know better how to utilize Sage in Valorant.
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Best Sage Walls From Attacker Side on Lotus Map
Sage is a Sentinel Agent in Valorant. Usually, the responsibility of planting the Spike falls upon the Sentinels while the other characters act as support. She can use her Barrier Orb (purchased for 400 Credits) ability in a variety of ways while attacking in Lotus Map.
1. Barrier One Of The Entries To The Spike Location
- If the Spike is planted at A, the Sage player must either use his barrier on A Top or the A Stairs. They can also use the wall on one side of the A Hut so that Defenders have to approach from the other.
- If the Spike is planted at B, the Sage player must block A Link or C Link. Enemies are most likely to approach the Spike site from B Upper, given that the C route is most hazardous for Defenders.
- If the Spike is planted at C, the Sage player should blockade the C Waterfall area. They can also put the wall behind the rotating C Door to delay any flanking tactics from the Defenders.
2. Direct The Barrier Orb Below Your Feet
The moment you use the C-ability after pointing the crosshair toward your feet, you will be on top of the newly created Barrier. This gives a good height advantage over enemies. Such tactics can be used for aggressive play, ambushing players after camping in A Drop, climbing on top of the A Hut, and winning battles near the bend at C Waterfall.
Best Sage Walls From Defender Side on Lotus Map
Sage in Valorant Lotus Map can be extremely useful. She can block an enemy team’s rush and delay them long enough to let other Defenders eliminate the Attackers.
1. Blocking The Push To B Site
Destroy the breakable door at A Link. Position the Barrier Orb alongside the A Door to prevent any Attacking moves to the B Site. Sage players on the defence could also position their walls in the area between A Rubble and the A Root, making the enemy lose their ammo and allowing time for flanking moves from the A Link door.
2. Blocking The Push To C Site
At the beginning of the round, there are a series of gunfire exchanges in the wide C Mound and C Lobby area. A C Site push in the Valorant Lotus Map is very difficult from the Attacking perspective as there are not a lot of areas to access the spike site. That said, the Sage player could either place their Barrier Orb next to the rotating C Door or block C Waterfall to avoid any flanking attacks.
Sage is a free character in Valorant. She is among the most popular starter characters along with Sova and Phoenix. The Barrier Orb ability is phenomenal but she is primarily a healer, capable of shifting the odds in her team’s favor by resurrecting or healing her allies.
For more mastery over the Lotus Map, check out our guide to place smokes.