What is Tac-Stance in MW3? The latest Call of Duty, Modern Warfare III, hasn’t been very well received, and many fans have criticized the developers for the game’s rushed release, tagging it as a “$70 DLC for Modern Warfare II.” At the same time, despite all its criticisms, MW3 has also brought some innovative gameplay additions for the regular Call of Duty players.
Modern Warfare III’s gameplay innovations include the evolving loadouts, aftermarket parts, and the all-new Tac-Stance, aka Tactical Stance. Players who have purchased the Call of Duty’s latest title can try out all new features. However, if players are still looking for an answer to the question “What is Tac-Stance in MW3?” they can find the same in the following COD guide:
Call of Duty Tactical Stance: What Is Tac-Stance In MW3 And How Do Players Use Or Disable It
Tac-Stance or Tactical Stance in MW3 is a new mode of shooting or aiming that serves as a middle-ground between hip fire and ADS (aim down sights). Players can benefit from a more balanced stance while holding a weapon, especially while “entering tight hallways and cramped rooms.” According to the Call of Duty developers,
“Tac-Stance balances mobility with accuracy for more aggressive play with supported weaponry, dramatically increasing ADS movement speed while introducing bullet spread.”
Although players will lose the accuracy of ADSing, they can experience improved mobility and handling of weapons. Whenever Tac-Stance is enabled, players can move faster than when their operator is ADSing. In contrast to aiming down sights, in Tac-Stance, the operator holds the weapon diagonally, reducing the size of the crosshair and decreasing the precision while shooting.
However, the Tac-Stance ensures a lower bullet spread while maintaining decent mobility. Thus, it is a viable alternative to ADS in mid-range and close-quarter scuffles. One can switch to Tac-Stance using the down button on the d-pad while ADSing (using the left trigger on the control or right mouse click). Interestingly, it is the default firing mode while sliding.
If players are uncomfortable, they can disable Tac-Stance by turning it off in the Gameplay menu. However, to disable Tac-Stance during sliding, one must use Tactical Pads.